Beetroot Chocolate Cake

by Jan Gardner


240g unpeeled beets
200g chopped 70% chocolate
1/4 cup hot espresso
200g butter, cubed, room temp.
1 cup flour
3 tablespoon Dutch process cocoa
1 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
5 large eggs
Pinch salt
200g castor sugar


Butter and line a springform pan. Boil beets in salted water. When tender drain and cool slightly. Cube and then grind in food processor. Melt chocolate in a bowl over simmering water. When melted pour over hot espresso, stirring. Add butter. Do not stir but allow to soften.

Sift together flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. Stir the bowl of chocolate - add egg yolks. Fold in beets. Gradually add sugar and fold in. Lastly fold in flour mix. Bake 40 mins @ 180. Cool. Can top with creme fraiche and poppy seeds.

My children grew up scrubbing mud off their root veg and knowing where it came from. I credit Foodlife for our strong immune systems. We never get coughs & colds when we are eating this fantastic produce. It lasts ages and tastes so good!

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